Great Fun!
Even though I worked most of the time (7:30-4:30 5 days a week), at an English school for foreign teenagers and adults. The people I worked with were wonderful to be around, and it is so much fun to have friends all over the world. I miss them a ton! The reality of school and studying is definitely starting to set in. :(My summer in pictures (mostly):
Sarah and I drove home the Loooooong way home on the I-80 through San Francisco so we could see the sights and visit Jack.
These are pictures we took at this really cool lighthouse in Point Reyes.
Jack on the rooftop of the LDS Berkeley Institute of Religion. If you're wondering if that tiny thing to the right is the G.G. Bridge, and the tiny cluster of buildings on the left is San Fran,
You're right. Great view eh?
I visited Rachel back in Provo. We ate at the Red Iguana in SLC. It was really delicious I know my face tells a different story, but trust me, it was amazing.

This is Macu, the group leader for one of our groups from Spain. She was the best! I see a trip to Spain my future!

So... This is my boss, Sarah. AKA the best person to spend 8 hours a day with! Can't you tell we take our job very very seriously?
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