Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pet Peeves

I've been irritable lately, so I just need to get it out. Here are some of the things that drive me insane!

  • Guys who wear rings on their index fingers. It looks wrong.
  • People who slurp food that is too hot for them (excluding soup). It sounds gross, and it would save you the trouble if you just blew on it first.
  • Broken paper towel dispensers. I know they're in there! I can see them! But my hands remain dripping wet.
  • Unevenly highlighted textbooks. I understand I run the risk of this by buying used text books, but c'mon, this is is college. You'd think the dude who had my book before me had properly developed motor skills. Did a squiggly line made through the words with a red pen really help you out when you studied?
  • People who wear baseball caps for fashion purposes only. When I high five a stranger wearing one, and ask them about last night's game, I expect them to know the answer. Wearing a Braves cap doesn't automatically make you gangster unless you know who Chipper Jones is.
  • The lack of shoes on the passengers of small airplanes. Small space + the socks of strangers = a very unhappy Emily.
  • Losing BeJeweled. I really hate it.
  • The way writing too hard makes indentations on the next page of the notebook.
  • Knuckle cracking, and people who think they can suddenly become a chiropractor in the middle of lecture. Do they know how loud the lumbar vertebrae can be!?
Well that's enough venting for today.


  1. Haha this made me happy that I am not the only one with many pet peeves. ( I am glad I don't do any of the listed above to annoy you :) ).

  2. Spence. I meant to tell you this earlier. My sister blog-posted peeves on the same day you did! Strange coincidence.

    But you don't share any annoyances. That would be a real strange coincidence.
